Affordable Housing Ministries
What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? ~ Micah 6:8b NRSV

Greater Hartford Interfaith Action Alliance (GHIAA)
The Franciscan Center joined over 40 other faith communities and became a member of GHIAA in 2021. This group works to promote justice in five main areas, one of them being housing. This group was successful in driving significant “slum lords” out of the Hartford area.

Rebuilding Together in Hartford
On Saturday, April 30, 2022, the Franciscan Center sponsored the repair of a home in the Frog Hollow neighborhood in Hartford. In addition to providing funding, we will supply 25 volunteers. Many of the homeowners in RTH program are seniors living on fixed income. These repairs, designed to make their homes safer and more serviceable and will allow them to age in place, anchoring the neighborhoods where many have lived for decades.
Read more about our involvement in last year’s Rebuilding Together Hartford event, and watch the video with last year’s team featured in a report on local news.
Join our St. Patrick – St. Anthony team to help rebuild homes in Hartford. Read more here, and click below to add these details to your calendar.
Join us on April 29, 2023! Sign up here

Attend a Mission Trip
Founded in 2005, St. Francis Builds is a program designed to form mission teams to build houses, schools, and learning centers in other countries as well as repair hurricane damaged housing in areas of the United States. In addition, we work with Native Americans in rebuilding housing stock on their reservations. SFB has sent over forty mission teams to ten different countries and six states. Our teams are multigenerational and open to folks of all faiths.
In 2023, we will send a team to Puerto Rico in January to do hurricane restoration work. Read more by clicking below

Build Local Houses on a Habitat for Humanity Team
We are partnering with Habitat for Humanity of North Central Connecticut to build an Interfaith House in Windsor. We will work with Muslim, Jewish, and Christian congregations of different denominations to make a family’s dream of an affordable home a reality while building relationships at the same time.
Habitat for Humanity works in partnership with people in need to build and renovate decent, affordable housing. the houses are then sold to those in need at no profit and with no interest charged.
Check out their Habitat for Humanity’s website here.

Open Hearth at Catherine’s Place
We collaborate with Open Hearth’s mission to help men experiencing homelessness enhance their capacity for self help, self respect, dignity, and to achieve their full potential as responsible citizens of Greater Hartford and Connecticut. To do this, we provide long term transitional housing at the church’s existing housing facility, Catherine’s Place.