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Praying for Vocations Prayer Service

November 18, 2024 @ 12:30 pm 1:00 pm

Our parish’s Vocations Awareness Committee invites you to join us for a brief service of prayer following the 12:05 PM Mass on Monday, November 18, 2024 in the church. It will also be live-streamed. Since its formation earlier this year, our Vocations Awareness Committee (Pat Curtis, Carole Fay, Ron and Joan Osella, Ryan Ochoa, and Sr. Barbara-Jean Kubik) has given us many opportunities to learn about the various ways in which a vocation may be lived out, whether it be in chosen commitments and employment, the priesthood or diaconate, religious life, marriage, the single life, or as a lay associate of a religious community. Let us come together and spend a few moments in prayer so that all of us, especially our young people, may be open to the movement of the Holy Spirit, and to serve the church in whatever manner we may be called to do so.