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Our Synod Response: In Person Parish Gathering

October 24, 2022 @ 7:00 pm

From your Synod Team,
We are so grateful for the honest, affirming, and challenging input from parishioners to Pope Francis’ Synod. Our Synod Summary report sent into the Vatican captured the thoughtful reflections on ways that would improve our journeying together as the People of GodCLICK Here to read a copy of the Summary.  

Our Synod journey did not conclude with the submission of the report to Pope Francis.  In fact, we view this summary as a ‘living document’ and we envision our synodal journey as a parish continuing. As we now begin to embody and bring life to improvements expressed in our Summary, we want to collaborate with all of you!

You are invited to become involved in any of the following opportunities to engage more fully with our Synod experience. We are prayerful and hopeful about the future and we invite you into this ongoing journey. 
Moving forward as a faith community, please consider attending an upcoming Dialogue Session to share your response to themes in our parish Synod report:

Wednesday, October 19 on Zoom at 7:00 p.m.; Click here to register and receive the Zoom link.

Monday, October 24 in-person at 7:00 p.m.; Click here to register  

The Synod Team will continue to tend the core of the Synod spirit; providing gatherings for discernment and growing together spiritually and prayerfully.

Suggestions to the Pope about changes to be made on the global Church level are important to verbalize yet they will take time to implement. 

So, what do we do at the parish level while we wait?

– The Synod process affords us the potential to transform our hearts for an experience of discipleship steeped in the radical ministry of Jesus.  To stay open to this call, we must pray… and pray together. The Team will offer opportunities for contemplative prayer and time for reflection and active listening together while we wait. We are invited to deepen our knowledge about these Synod topics and desired changes. We will see some of our ministry areas like Women of Hope, Open Hearts, and Friends and Family Ministries respond in specific ways.

This is a critical moment: our empowerment to become educated, spirit-filled, prayerful agents of change. 

And, the Synod Team is here to help shepherd this process with you as collaborators.

We look forward with hope to this partnership with all of you!