Drop off snacks 1st Sunday of each month after Masses or anytime the office is open. Our Sandwich Ministry hands out bags of prepackaged snacks with sandwiches every day.
We will gather in-person on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month (except on Oct. 2), from 7:00 to 8:00 pm. We will read a passage of Scripture several times, with periods of silence, to discern how God is speaking to each of us. Sharing is optional, and there is no need to attend […]
We will gather in-person on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month (except on Oct. 2), from 7:00 to 8:00 pm. We will read a passage of Scripture several times, with periods of silence, to discern how God is speaking to each of us. Sharing is optional, and there is no need to attend […]
Connecticut artist, Jill Vaughn, will open the Clare Gallery’s fall season with The Space Between, a mixed media exhibition focused on visualizing the environmental impact of human activity. Join us in the Franciscan Center for Urban Ministry for an Artist Reception, Sunday, September 29, 3:00-4:30 pm We may all feel daily anxiety and wrestle with our complicity when […]
Begin a new season with us by joining us for our kick-off BBQ in the Friary Garden! Our ministry provides educational opportunities to build and develop greater visibility and understanding of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) experiences within our church community and develop faith-building outreach programming to the diverse spectrum of the LGBT […]
Did you know that drumming is good for the spirit as well as the heart and mind! Please join us for an evening of African drumming rhythms once a month in the church. Anyone can learn to drum - no musical experience is needed. If you have a drum, please bring it with you. Let […]
The Prayer Shawl Ministry at St. Patrick-St. Anthony Parish serves the parish family and the larger community by making and giving shawls as a gesture of love in times of sorrow and fear, as well as in times of joy. Shawls are given and received as a symbol of God’s all-encompassing love. Join us on […]
Meet us on zoom for our Tuesday gathering. Our gathering will reflect upon the Gospel for the upcoming Sunday to guide us on our path of discipleship. As companions on the journey, we listen, reflect and share how the Word speaks to our hearts through the Spirit. There is no need to do any advance preparation […]
Parishioner Michael Leahy (YTT 200) will lead a free yoga class on the second and fourth Saturdays each month from 9-10 am in Rooms 9 & 10 on the lower level of the Franciscan Center for Urban Ministry. All levels of experience and ability are welcome! Please email [email protected] to register.
Don’t Miss the Grand Finale of the 10th Annual Ode to Joy Festival! Mark your calendars for a truly special musical event! The Saint Patrick-Saint Anthony Gallery Choir, under the direction of Dr. Gabriel Löfvall, will venture beyond the acoustics of our own sanctuary to join forces with Chorus Angelicus and the Choir of St. James's […]
Meet us on zoom for our Tuesday gathering. Our gathering will reflect upon the Gospel for the upcoming Sunday to guide us on our path of discipleship. As companions on the journey, we listen, reflect and share how the Word speaks to our hearts through the Spirit. There is no need to do any advance preparation […]
We will gather in-person on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month (except on Oct. 2), from 7:00 to 8:00 pm. We will read a passage of Scripture several times, with periods of silence, to discern how God is speaking to each of us. Sharing is optional, and there is no need to attend […]
A Novel Idea Book Club’s book selection for this month is The Queen of Dirt Island by Donal Ryan. Please consider joining us on Zoom. For more information and a list of upcoming books, please check your Monday email the week of our meeting for the zoom link, or contact the office at 860-756-4034 or […]
Join us in the Franciscan Center for Urban Ministry! This group, composed of members of the church who love their gay and lesbian family members unconditionally, supports the LGBT community. This group holds regular meetings, provides ongoing educational programs and offers continued spiritual development.
Meet us on zoom for our Tuesday gathering. Our gathering will reflect upon the Gospel for the upcoming Sunday to guide us on our path of discipleship. As companions on the journey, we listen, reflect and share how the Word speaks to our hearts through the Spirit. There is no need to do any advance preparation […]
Our Women of Hope Ministry invites you to join them for prayer to focus on many dimensions of peace ~ building a culture of peace, cultural diversity in friendship and the theme of justice, for example. We launch this important time to 'be' together. Please join with other parishioners to hear the voices of women lead […]
Parishioner Michael Leahy (YTT 200) or Jess Wawzyniecki will lead a free yoga class on the second and fourth Saturdays each month from 9-10 am in Rooms 9 & 10 on the lower level of the Franciscan Center for Urban Ministry. All levels of experience and ability are welcome! Yoga this year will be taught by Jess Wawzyniecki in addition […]
Our Women of Hope Ministry invites you to join them for prayer to focus on many dimensions of peace ~ building a culture of peace, cultural diversity in friendship and the theme of justice, for example. We launch this important time to 'be' together. Please join with other parishioners to hear the voices of women lead […]
Connecticut artist, Jill Vaughn, will open the Clare Gallery’s fall season with The Space Between, a mixed media exhibition focused on visualizing the environmental impact of human activity. Join us in the Franciscan Center for Urban Ministry for an Artist Reception, Sunday, September 29, 3:00-4:30 pm We may all feel daily anxiety and wrestle with our complicity when […]
Join us after the 5:00 pm Mass for Community Sunday Evening Edition... a gathering with wine, cheese and snacks and of course the opportunity to build community and meet other parishioners.
Meet us on zoom for our Tuesday gathering. Our gathering will reflect upon the Gospel for the upcoming Sunday to guide us on our path of discipleship. As companions on the journey, we listen, reflect and share how the Word speaks to our hearts through the Spirit. There is no need to do any advance preparation […]
Each year, on the evening of October 3, the Franciscan family throughout the world pauses to celebrate the solemnity of our Holy Father Francis's Transitus, passing over from this life to the next. In his famous Canticle of the Creatures, the saint from Assisi wrote “Praised be You, my Lord, through our Sister Bodily Death, […]
Parishioner Jennifer Regan-Lefebvre, PhD, a professor and noted wine historian, will talk us through key moments in the history of wine. She’ll explain how Catholicism has been a driving force in spreading wine throughout the world, with both delicious and devastating results. The talk will include a tasting of two wines. Jennifer Regan-Lefebvre, PhD, is […]
Bring your pets and favorite stuffed animals for a blessing in honor of St. Francis of Assisi. Meet us in the garden between the church and Franciscan Center if the weather is nice, or in the garage behind the Franciscan Center in case of rain.