with St. Patrick – St. Anthony Church and the Franciscan Center
If you’re looking for a specific way you can get involved, here is a list of current needs we have. Can you share your gifts?
If you’re interested in helping for these or anything else you can think of, contact Allison Holst-Grubbe, Director of Community Engagement by filling out the form here to volunteer.
Hospitality Ministers Needed
Do you enjoy offering hospitality and socializing with our parish community? Join our team of Community Sunday Evening Edition hosts! This team will serve wine & cheese and other treats after the 5PM Mass on the fourth Sunday of each month.
We also welcome volunteers to assist with serving refreshments at other parish social events throughout the year.
Ministry of Liturgical Hospitality
Weekend volunteers needed during Masses
Weekend volunteers needed during the Saturday 4:00 pm, and Sunday 11:45 am and 5:00 pm Masses
We are seeking additional volunteers for our ministry of liturgical hospitality at our weekend afternoon Masses. Our sacristans, whom you see near the entrance of the church every weekend, are a small but mighty team who could use a week off now and then. Sacristans extend hospitality each week by opening the church, helping to prepare the sanctuary for Mass, greeting parishioners as they arrive, supervising the collection, and helping to clean up and secure the church after the Mass. This collection of tasks can be accomplished by one individual, in pairs or by a small team. If some of these tasks reflect your gifts and talents, please contact our Director of Volunteer Ministry, Allison Holst-Grubbe at [email protected] for more info!
How you can help feed the hungry…
Tuesday and Thursday Hot Meals
- We have an ongoing need for pans of baked pasta and pans of stew on Tuesdays and Thursdays – click to sign up
News and Needs from Our Church Gardens
Our church grounds are beginning to bud and bloom, a sure sign of hope and of beauty. The perennials are popping up shrubs are flowering. We are looking for a few more garden volunteers to help weed and maintain our gorgeous gardens throughout the coming season. Please consider joining us for easy tasks and socializing outside. Flexibility and fun are our only guidelines. An hour or two a week, or a month, would be welcome!
Thanks for considering and helping keep our grounds beautiful.
Livestream Camera Operator
Our livestream camera operators bring our liturgies to those unable to attend in person. Opportunities to serve include Saturday 4pm Mass, Sunday 10am Mass, or other occasional special events. Contact Allison at [email protected] for more info!
Assist the presiding priest before and after Mass by helping to prepare the sanctuary, coordinating greeters and ushers, unlocking and re-locking the church, and other crucial tasks.
Interested? Contact Allison at [email protected] for more info!
Altar Servers Needed!
ALTAR SERVERS NEEDED No experience is necessary – we will train you. You can choose which Masses and how often you serve. Have you ever considered serving as a parent /child ministry? This could be a great experience for a parent and child to serve during Mass together. Please contact Deb Pelletier at [email protected] for more information.
Volunteer with our Partner Organizations
St. Patrick – St. Anthony and the Franciscan Center for Urban Ministry have many local organizations that we partner with to help more people. The below volunteer opportunities are directly with some of those organizations. Reach out to the contact info in each listing to get involved!
House of Bread
Our Volunteers are vital to our mission and without them, we would not be able to accomplish all that we do. Right now, we are especially in need of the following help:
Van Drivers
- Individuals to drive the HOB van every other Tuesday, from 7:30 am to 9:00 am, to pick up food from CT Foodshare in Bloomfield back to our facilities on Chestnut Street.
- Substitute drivers who can fill in on an as needed basis Monday-Friday, between 9:00 am and 10:30 am, to pick up food from Trader Joe’s in West Hartford and deliver to area community partners.
- Need a current Driver’s License
- Need to be able to lift 25 lb. box
Computer Assistance:
- Individuals who are willing to help clients apply for jobs.
- Need basic comfort level using a computer
Document Transcription:
- Individuals who can convert some documents that we only have paper copies to electronic format.
- Individuals who can teach English to immigrants and refugees in our education program in the South end of Hartford.
- Classes are Monday thru Thursday, in the mornings – we ask that tutors commit to one day (or more) per week for the semester
- No formal education training needed, only patience and a willingness to help
Please contact us at [email protected] if you can help. Our staff looks forward to working with you!
Levo International
Help Levo International get started for a new season of planting in the garden! Dates and activities are available on their website at https://levointernational.org/volunteer
Ready to volunteer?
Contact Allison Holst-Grubbe, Director of Outreach & Volunteer Ministry
Not sure what you’re looking for?
Check out our ministries page to see how you can get involved today!
Outreach events
Check out our Outreach events through the Franciscan Center