Communications: Spreading the word

Share your ministry news and events with the parish!
Your event can be included on the website, parish wide emails, and the bulletin by clicking below!
The website redesign in 2022 has been the catalyst for an increased focus on connecting with you across multiple platforms.
- Our weekly bulletin is available in hardcopy at all Masses and on the website. This is great for those who prefer a paper copy to keep up to date on all upcoming events going on in the Parish.
- Our website is our primary form of communication, with the most up to date information and everything you need right at your fingertips – whether you are at your computer or on the go.
- Our weekly emails are a vital form of communication that will deliver the most up to date information about Parish and Center events straight to your inbox three times a week (Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday).
- You can find us on Facebook to learn about upcoming events and to view all livestreamed church events.
- Our Realm database is another great way you can learn about upcoming events, and this is where you will register for those events! To make sure that your profile is up to date, follow the instructions on this page.
Meet your Communications team

Sarah Christopher
Director of Communications
Sarah Christopher coordinates communications for the parish and the center. Her focus is updating, maintaining and creating content for the website, parish wide emails, and social media.
Sarah is best reached on email at [email protected].

Carolyn Abramo
Bulletin Editor
Carolyn Abramo coordinates and designs the weekly bulletin which is distributed at every Mass to keep you up to date with all our upcoming events.
You can reach Carolyn on email at [email protected] or by calling the office at 860-756-4034.
It is important that both Sarah and Carolyn are informed of what’s going on in your ministry
so that we can decide the most effective way and the most effective timeframe in which to promote your ministry’s news across all our channels.
The easiest way for you to reach both Sarah and Carolyn to request promotion
of your ministry’s upcoming event, website update, or good news to share is for you to fill out the form below.
Please submit your request and allow us to do the rest. We have an overall view of the big picture of events that happen around the church and the center and when they occur. We keep this big picture in mind as we plan when events go to publication in the way that best meets the needs of the parish, all of our many ministries, and each specific event.
Parish Communications Request Form
If you have original images that are a part of your communications request, please email them to both Sarah ([email protected]) and Carolyn ([email protected]).
We can only use photos or graphics that we have permission / license to use. If you downloaded an image from google, we do not have permission to use it. If you do not have original images or do not own the license to an image or graphic, then we will create a graphic or find an image with proper licensing for your event.
Tips for higher readability of your content:
Keep it short and simple!
If you have something long such as a full article to share, the most effective way to do that is to speak with Sarah about including it on the website.
For the bulletin / emails, create a short summary or interesting statement to raise curiosity and “hook” people in so that they want to read more. This will prompt people to go to the website to continue reading your article there.
Keep in mind that your language needs to be easily understood by a diverse audience.
Include a Call to Action
Increase engagement by giving your audience something to DO rather than to just passively read news. Whether it is to contact you, attend a meeting, RSVP for an event, read more about a topic, or anything else, inspiring your audience to take an action will help them to remember your event or ministry.
Parish wide emails are sent on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Deadlines for inclusion in a certain Parish Wide email are 2 days prior (Saturday, Monday, and Thursday).
2023 Sunday Bulletin Dates and Deadlines
Bulletin deadlines are Fridays at noon a full week prior to the bulletin publish date.
Share your gifts!
Do you love to write? Take pictures?
Are you looking for a way you can use your gifts to help our community know about all the wonderful things we have going on around St. Patrick – St. Anthony Church and the Franciscan Center? We would love to hear from you! We have various needs throughout the year for help with photographing or writing up events to share with our community. Contact Sarah Christopher, Director of Communications, by clicking the button below to see how you can help!
Not receiving our emails?
Sign up now!
We send out emails Monday, Wednesday and Saturday mornings to keep you updated on all the events going on in our vibrant community. Join us!
By submitting this form, you are consenting to receive marketing emails from: St. Patrick – St. Anthony Church and the Franciscan Center for Urban Ministry. You can revoke your consent to receive emails at any time by using the SafeUnsubscribe® link, found at the bottom of every email. Emails are serviced by Constant Contact