September 9 and 10, 2023
New and gently used fall and winter clothing,
gift cards, and additional items
Can you imagine trying to pack your whole world into one suitcase?
That is the dilemma that confronted those fleeing their homeland from both the Ukraine and Haiti. Each individual refugee is entitled to bring one suitcase, including one for each child.

That may seem quite adequate at first blush, but then the reality sets in. You pack your 6 month old son’s suitcase, and as anyone knows who has raised a child or is involved with a child, they grow. The clothes you packed for your 6 month old son, in a few short months after your arrival to the USA, are all outgrown…all of them.
The number of Ukrainian refugees continues to grow on a weekly basis, so it is safe to assume there are probably about 1,000 children from the ages of 3 months on up through high school age teens. The refugees from Haiti number over 300 children at present, and many did not even arrive with a suitcase!
Last winter, the parish of St. Patrick-St. Anthony generously responded to the request for donations of furniture and household items. Two large truck loads later, you indeed did contribute to those from the Ukraine being able to begin to create their “new home” in the Chicopee MA area. (read more here)
We reached out to ask how they were settling in, and how the newly arrived Haitian refugees are faring. We asked what is now needed, and the overwhelming response was that they desperately need new clothing for the fall and winter months for the children from ages 3 months through the teens in high school.
Those from Ukraine have experienced the biting cold of winter in their homeland, but our refugees from Haiti have never endured the brisk winds of fall or the bitter chill of winter. This will truly be a major adjustment for them.
In an effort to respond to this need, we are holding a Clothing Drive September 9 and 10, 2023 for New or Gently Used Children’s Fall and Winter Clothing as well as some additional items for the Ukrainian and Haitian youth. Check out our list of suggested items below.

We will be outside the Franciscan Center before and after all Masses. It is also Community Sunday that weekend, so we will be present inside the Franciscan Center after the 8 am and 10 am Masses. Please see below for a list of items we are collecting.
We can also accept cash donations, but we cannot accept checks.
This Clothing Drive is being sponsored by the Mercy Associates and the parishioners of St. Patrick-St. Anthony, partnering with the Sisters and Associates of Notre Dame de Namur (our Sister Ginny is extremely involved with us regarding their involvement in this outreach) and the Sisters of Mercy.
The need and how you can help
The need is great and continues to grow

Clothing for children ages 3 months to 10 years
New or gently used clothing suitable for fall and winter weather
- Winter jackets, winter hats, mittens, gloves
- Long sleeve jerseys / onesies, footed overalls
- Sweaters, sweatshirts, turtlenecks
- Pajamas
- Sneakers, shoes, winter boots
- Socks, underwear items for boys and girls, girls tights
- Dresses / skirts
- Dress slacks, shirt and ties
- Jeans, overalls, pants
For children and teens ages 11 to 18 years
Gift cards for Target or Kohl’s*
* We paused as we thought about this age group. For pre-teens or teenagers, it is a time when they claim their individuality and like to exercise choice in their clothing selection. So, our suggestion is to select a gift card for either Kohl’s or Target, which are the two stores that are in close proximity to the families in the Chicopee area.
There are women volunteers in that area who are willing to drive them to the stores and shop with them, allowing them the element of choice. When you think about their situation, so much choice has already been stripped away from them as they fled their homeland, and left behind some of their family, their schools, their friends, the familiar. Enabling them to choose their clothing feels like the right thing to do.
Additional items
- Age-appropriate coloring books, drawing pads, crayons, washable markers
- Legos, puzzles, dolls
- Stuffed animals/small cuddly toys especially for younger ones
- Bibs, baby wash & lotion, diaper rash cream, teething items
- Diapers for age 3 months and up through pull-ups for toddlers, wipes
- Age-appropriate toothbrushes/toothpaste