The tree between the Church and the Franciscan Center, a Golden Rain Tree, was taken down this week after extensive research and consultation with expert arborists.
After consulting with an expert arborist who holds a CT Grounds Supervisory License, and an International Society of Aboriculture Certification, and the City of Hartford’s Arborist, it has been determined that the tree has died and was not able to be saved. Therefore, following the expert advice we have received, the tree was removed this week.
There are plans to plant another tree in its place.
The excerpt below is from a parish newsletter Church Street Life from Autumn, 2002.

Update: June 23, 2022
Our venerable Golden Rain tree is no longer where it once stood. It was removed on Thursday, June 23rd. Father Tim requested that the workers save some pieces of the tree so that we might re-purpose them in some way. I have some ideas – do you?