15th Annual Turkey Drive is Sunday, November 12 Our 15th Annual Turkey Drive to support the House of Bread is Sunday, November 12, 2023. The Franciscan Center is seeing an …Continue Reading about 15th Annual Turkey Drive is Sunday, November 12
Help Feed Our Neighbors Pasta Tuesdays Can you help with Pasta Tuesdays? We have been serving close to 80 meals each week and are always looking for …Continue Reading about Help Feed Our Neighbors
Communications Volunteers This summer, the communications office has gratefully accepted assistance from a few youth volunteers. They were able to help with …Continue Reading about Communications Volunteers
New Clothing Collection for Ukrainian and Haitian Youth Refugees September 9 and 10, 2023 New fall and winter clothing, gift cards, and additional items click to learn how you can …Continue Reading about New Clothing Collection for Ukrainian and Haitian Youth Refugees