Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Fall 2022 Newsletter This first month of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd classes has flown by! Each class in their own developmental way is so …Continue Reading about Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Fall 2022 Newsletter
“Women of Faith: The Need for a New Narrative” Replay from Thursday, October 27 The Women of Hope Ministry is pleased to invite you to “Women of Faith: The Need for a New Narrative”, a livestreamed AND …Continue Reading about “Women of Faith: The Need for a New Narrative” Replay from Thursday, October 27
Reflection: Catechist Formation Training a reflection by Kate Foran This work is yours the catechist says to the child at the end of a presentation of materials within …Continue Reading about Reflection: Catechist Formation Training
Synod Summary Report Our struggles, challenges, hopes, and desires for a better church moving forward From your Synod Team, Thank you to …Continue Reading about Synod Summary Report