Adult Faith Formation Programs Fall / Advent 2023 Complete Program Descriptions Click for an at-a-glance schedule summary of all programs or for presenter and facilitator …Continue Reading about Adult Faith Formation Programs Fall / Advent 2023
Legislative update from Fr. Mike and GHIAA Our ministry is one of sacrificing for others, of taking care of those in the margins... because they are all children of God. Our …Continue Reading about Legislative update from Fr. Mike and GHIAA
Introducing Church Street Art and Music Camp for August August 21, 22 & 23, 2023 We are excited to announce a summer camp opportunity for 3rd - 8th graders this August! Choose …Continue Reading about Introducing Church Street Art and Music Camp for August
Advocacy update from Fr. Mike and a call to action Dear St. Patrick - St. Anthony family, Over the past months, many of you have heard me preach on important issues such as …Continue Reading about Advocacy update from Fr. Mike and a call to action