Reflection #4 for our upcoming series: Is Our Church Still Relevant Today?
This prayer reflection is based on ideas from the book, Anointed for Mission by Stephen S. Wilbricht, CSC.
We are writing about being anointed priest, prophet, and servant king in other reflections. This paper is about discipleship.
“Therefore, the sacrament of baptism informs newly made Christians of their dignity and their responsibility of sharing in the life and mission of Christ: a way of total selflessness in charity, witness, and leadership.” Pg. 7.
Baptism is the primary sacrament of discipleship. We are anointed disciples of Christ and sent out for mission. Dying to self and living for others is a process of maturing into the role of disciple. We are empowered by the Holy Spirit to see the world the way God sees it and to discern how our particular gifts are needed at this particular time.
We build the Kingdom of God, sharing the Good News of Christ through active participation. Volunteering can renew and transform families, parish life, and the community. For example, acting as peacemakers, visiting the lonely or sick, cooking a meal or accepting and befriending those on the fringe of society are ways we offer our lives through service and engaging in temporal affairs. We are disciples living in a way that brings the Gospel to life through our words and actions.
When are you most alive?
To be a disciple we need to build a relationship with Christ through prayer, participating at Mass; being nourished by the Eucharist and celebrating the sacraments.
At this moment in time, how are you being called to be a disciple?
Have you discerned your mission?

A prayer…
Holy Spirit, you give us wisdom, understanding, knowledge, right judgement, courage, reverence, and wonder and awe. We, your disciples, see the world the way God sees it.
Send us out for mission.
Guide us with audacious joy!
These reflections are based upon the book Anointed for Mission by Stephen S. Wilbricht, CSC.