Reflection #2 for our upcoming series: Is Our Church Still Relevant Today?
This reflection will help us to consider the priestly and prophetic roles that we have been commissioned to live as baptized Christians. The role of king (servant leader) will be explored in another reflection.
“God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, has freed you from sin, given you a new birth by water and the Holy Spirit, and welcomed you into his holy people. He now anoints you with the chrism of salvation. As Christ was anointed Priest, Prophet and King, so may you live always as a member of his body, sharing everlasting life.” (Order of Baptism of Children, 98)
The commissioning of the person to live forever as a member of Christ’s Body, sharing in his mission as “Priest, Prophet and King”, is a crucial part of the prayer.
It was easier to focus on the call to discipleship when Baptism was an adult sacrament. When celebrating the baptism of babies and young children the focus tends to be on the sacrament as the means for eternal life rather than the on-going daily work to live as a Priest, Prophet and King.
Did you ever consider making sandwiches for the less fortunate or caring for an elderly person or rocking a crying baby as holy actions?
These are priestly roles! A priest is someone who makes a sacrifice. Ordained priests have an indispensable role for the organization of the Christian community. Lay people are called by God to discern how to build up the Body of Christ with the sacrifice of simple acts of charity and quiet outreach.
The discernment question brings us to the role of prophet. A prophet discerns the needs of the moment and challenges others to see the truth and take action. We don’t know God’s will at all times but we can ask what the next best step is as God’s will unfolds in our daily lives. Baptism is truly a daily, lived occurrence as Christians work towards strengthening the Body of Christ.
Who are the prophets in your life? Have you been a prophet?
A woman was having difficulties at work and called a friend for advice. Instead of advice he offered her a job. She asked him for some time to think about it, still puzzling over how to fix her current job. While having tea with her mother she complained that God wasn’t listening to her prayers. Her mother lovingly pointed out that He had. He sent her a new job! A loving prophet is the best gift!
The work of the Church is to always have “the responsibility of reading the signs of the times and of interpreting them in the light of the Gospel.” (Pastoral Constitution of the Church in the Modern World, Gaudium et Spes GS4)

A prayer…
Holy Spirit, fill us with your generosity.
Help us to answer God’s call of service and discernment so that we make our world a better place because we are in it.
Help us to be holy as You are holy.
Thank you for the blessings given to us at baptism.
We are so loved. Amen.
These reflections are based upon the book Anointed for Mission by Stephen S. Wilbricht, CSC.