Reflection #1 for our upcoming series: Is Our Church Still Relevant Today?
It is not uncommon at the beginning of a new year, for people and institutions to assess where they have been and speak boldly about the future they envision. As Jesus’ own public ministry begins in Galilee, Luke’s Gospel chapter 4 depicts a Jesus “filled with the power of the Spirit” unrolling the scroll of the prophet Isaiah to proclaim that he has been anointed to bring good news to the poor, release to captives, sight to the blind, and freedom to those oppressed…it is the year of the Lord’s favor.
As we start this new year of 2024, how would you describe the state of your spiritual journey? What words reflect your vision for ‘why’ you do ‘what’ you do in the community?
In 2024, our Adult Faith Formation Ministry invites us to experience a renewed sense of our own Baptism. Our identity and our dignity are rooted in and flow from Baptism. We were all plunged into the same waters of this first sacrament. And, we are all sharers in the mission of the Church, empowered also by the Spirit, to help the Church read the signs of the times and take the next life-giving steps toward holiness for all people. Together we will explore anew and reclaim this incredible gift and grace given at Baptism.
To get us started, here’s a question to ponder:
Did you ever wonder what it means to be anointed “priest, prophet, and king” as we hear at every Baptism celebrated?
As the person is anointed with the Sacred Chrism, these words are prayed: “As Christ was anointed Priest, Prophet, and King, so may you live always as a member of his body, sharing everlasting life.”
“Priest”? Someone who makes a sacrifice ~ In this past week, did you rearrange your schedule to keep your volunteer commitment? Were you called upon unexpectedly to be a listening presence for another?
“Prophet”? Someone who challenges others to see the truth ~ When were you the advocate for a just and fair outcome? Did you need to witness to the truth, be the voice for the voiceless, and speak up to those in power?
“King”? Someone who is a servant leader ~ In the upcoming week, will you need to be charitable, compassionate or generous in a difficult family or work situation?
Our commitments and contributions in family life, at our workplaces, and here at the parish and in our local communities allow us the privilege of exercising our priestly, prophetic and royal ministry for building up the Church, the People of God. A privilege, indeed.
So, at the next Baptism you witness, lean into your own baptismal grace – grace enough for your entire lifetime – grace enough to answer God’s call and live the Christ-life to the best of your ability.

A prayer…
Lord, send me forth this day to bring your Good News to those who hunger for a word of hope; to my neighbor, starving for a friendly gesture; to my classmate or co-worker who longs to be accepted.
Send me out with eyes open wide to see the loveliness of your creation, the sight of your face in the face of the stranger; the insight to know the right words to offer a hurting family member or friend.
Send me in peace that I might be an instrument of your liberating love, your joyful presence, and your redeeming compassion.
Grant that I may bring your presence to a waiting world. Amen.
Each month, our Adult Faith Formation Ministry will make available a one-page reflection for your personal use or for you to share with your ministry area at a monthly meeting or when sending out schedules or correspondence.
These reflections are based upon the book Anointed for Mission by Stephen S. Wilbricht, CSC.