Four years ago I came to Hartford as your new pastor. It was a difficult time for all of us (the pandemic), but in these past several years we have made significant strides as a community of faith, and we look forward in 2029 to celebrating the 200th anniversary of the founding of our great parish. Incidentally, the 70th anniversary of the merger of St. Patrick and St. Anthony parishes will occur in 2028.
As we look forward to these significant moments in our parish’s history, we must also take care of the needs of the present. I continue to be humbled and grateful for your generous support of the parish of St. Patrick-St. Anthony, as well as your support for our many outreach ministries carried out through the Franciscan Center for Urban Ministry. Our care for those who are less fortunate is sign of the strength and vitality of our faith in Jesus Christ, and his command to love God and our neighbor.
Our parish – a strong and vibrant faith community – still has to meet its spiritual and financial responsibilities. I am grateful that we have been able, through your generosity, to maintain our facilities in good order. We have many talented individuals on our staff who enrich and enliven our liturgies, faith formation, pastoral care, and community outreach, to name a few. But we also have had some costly repairs to take care of, especially our air conditioning systems ($31,500). We undertook two capital projects this year: repavement of the alley behind the church ($27,400) and internet and computer equipment upgrades ($15,000). Future capital projects include upgrading the fire alarm systems in the church and Franciscan Center.
Therefore, I ask for your help in making our 2024 Annual Appeal a success. The funds generated from this yearly appeal will help to support the cost of many unexpected repairs that always crop up throughout the year, as well as capital projects which will become necessary in the near future. The continued success of our parish: materially, pastorally and spiritually, relies on your generous support. Will you consider helping us this year?
St. Patrick-St. Anthony Parish is a place of welcome, comfort and inspiration for many people from near and far. The friars and I, as well as our lay staff, are privileged to serve you, together with so many of you who give of your time and talent as volunteers. Will you be able to share some of your treasure as well?
Thank you for prayerfully considering your response to this appeal. Please click the link below to make your gift. May the Lord continue to prosper the work of our hands, and may he give you peace, good health, and much joy in serving him!
Fr. Timothy Shreenan, O.F.M.