Dear St. Patrick – St. Anthony family,
Over the past months, many of you have heard me preach on important issues such as educational equity, environmental justice, affordable housing, the health of our youth, and reduction in gun violence. You may have also read the testimony I submitted to the legislative hearings on these issues. At that time, I asked you to reach out to your legislators to advocate for these issues.
I am proud to say that many of you shared your voices, as did many others throughout the fifty other faith communities that make up Greater Hartford Interfaith Action Alliance, or GHIAA.
To hear why these issues are important for us as Catholics to advocate for, check out the homilies preached on the issues of Educational Equality, Expansion of Husky Health and /or read the testimony submitted on behalf of Fair Share Housing and Gun Violence (shared at the bottom of this page).
Education Funding Equity
Healthcare Eligibility for Immigrants
Beatitudes and Peacemaking
Thanks to your efforts, all but one of those bills made it out of committee. Unfortunately, Rent Caps did not, but it is currently being studied. I cannot stress enough the importance of advocating for these issues that impact our community and beyond.
GHIAA needs our advocacy support
GHIAA organized a lobby day, and met with Speaker Ritter, who has promised to work with the organization on passing these bills (one in modified form).
At that gathering, we met many legislators, one shared she had watched one of the homilies on YouTube and said how powerful it was for her as a Catholic to see a Catholic community advocating for so many Justice issues.
However, GHIAA needs our support to push these bills over the line and make them law. By advocating for these issues, we can help create systemic change and work towards a more just and equitable society.
Together we can make a difference
I am asking every member of our community to pick one issue that is closest to their heart and write a letter to their representatives and senators to let them know that this is an important issue for you as a Catholic. GHIAA has provided an issue guide that includes bullet points and a sample letter that you can use as a guide. All of these guides are linked below.
Together, we can make a difference in our community and beyond. Thank you for your consideration and please take action on the issue that is closest to your heart.
Michael Johnson ofm
Franciscan Center for Urban Ministry
Brothers Walking Together Program

Advocacy Guides
When you write to your legislator, please share that this is important to you as a Catholic, as each bill we are advocating for has its roots in Catholic Social Teaching and makes concrete the message of Pope Francis to go out into the world and put our faith and our values into action.
Not sure who your legislator is? Click the button below to find out!