A Novel Idea is celebrating its 30th anniversary in October. Back in 1993, Fr. John Ulrich, O.F.M+ started the Adult Formation groups, and asked Marci Alborghetti, a writer, if she would form a book discussion group. She agreed and “A Novel Idea” was formed to promote fiction, faith, and fellowship. By reading about people in diverse cultures in various situations we develop empathy and understanding and learn about ourselves. When Marci left the Hartford area, she asked Marybeth Walsh and Sara Zagorski to take over the group.

Thank you to all who have participated in our discussions over the years and welcome to any interested people who would like to participate in the future. Drop in any time one of our book choices is of interest to you. Notices are in the bulletin and on the website events calendar.
Our selection for October 19th is The Lincoln Highway by Amor Towles. According the npr.org, “The Lincoln Highway is a joyride.” Join us on October 19th at 7:00 pm. For more information, please go to our webpage and watch the Monday email for the zoom link!
Below are our upcoming books through March 2024 – add them to your list and join us!
We will be meeting on Zoom the third Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm and then in March, our plan is to return to hybrid meetings which are both on Zoom and in person.