Palm Sunday Food Drive

Read more here and get the grocery list!
Ash Wednesday Services

February 22, 2023
Masses with Ashes during the day:
7:30 am Mass
12:05 pm Mass (livestream available)
Solemn Vespers with Ashes:
Begin your Lenten journey together with us with a reflective evening of prayer. Musical leadership provided by the Gallery Choir (livestream available)
Watch the livestream from Solemn Vespers.
A Path of Conversion: The Comfort and Challenge of the Psalms

Thursdays, February 23, March 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30; 10:30-11:30 am ON ZOOM
Many psalms rely on remembering the tender care God showed the chosen people by leading them, protecting them, nurturing them during their wilderness from the slavery in Egypt to freedom in the promised land. Reflecting on the psalms can assist us in our Lenten journey of conversion as we struggle to free our wills from selfish satisfaction and conform them to God’s will which offers us true freedom.
Presenter: Fr. Francis Soucy, OFM
Suggested Offering: $50.00 can be made payable to “St. Patrick-St. Anthony Church” and mailed to 285 Church Street, Hartford, CT 06103, Attn. Pat Curtis
Click to give offering conveniently online and note the program name in the memo.
Stations of the Cross
Fridays during Lent starting February 24 after the 12:05 pm Mass
Join us after the 12:05 pm Mass each Friday during Lent and stay to meditate on the saving journey of Christ.

SPSA Music Ministry Sings Evensong

Sunday, February 26 at 5:00 pm at St. John’s Episcopal Church in West Hartford
“Evensong offers to us the opportunity to gather and spend time in prayer while listening and participating in music that is especially selected to bring us into deeper understanding of the mysteries of our faith.” (from
Watch the livestream from Evensong.
Widening the Arms of the Cross: Rethinking Christ’s Atoning Sacrifice

Thursdays, March 2, 9, 16, 23 from 7:00-8:00 pm ON ZOOM
Is our cross too small? The central symbol of our Christian faith is often reduced: physically, to a trinket worn around the neck; spiritually, to an object of private devotion; and theologically, to the appeasement of an angry god demanding satisfaction for sin. This four-week Lenten series will seek to broaden and deepen our perspective on and appreciation for the crucifixion of Jesus and what it means for our life of faith and for the life of our world.
Presenter: Fr. Bill Beaudin, OFM
Suggested Offering: $35.00 can be made payable to “St. Patrick-St. Anthony Church” and mailed to 285 Church Street, Hartford, CT 06103, Attn. Pat Curtis
Click to give offering conveniently online and note the program name in the memo.
Lenten Twilight Retreat: “A Time for Eucharistic Revival … A Time of Love”
Tuesday, March 14, 5:30-8:00 pm

We are delighted to welcome Fr. Ken back to Hartford for an evening of presentation and reflection in this season of Lent. Come, be inspired by messages of conversion and the central place of the Eucharist in our communal life. We will follow Covid-precautions for food preparation and serving as well as for safe-distanced seating.
Suggested Offering:
$25.00 includes dinner at 5:30 pm
$15.00 to attend the Presentation Only at 6:30 pm
Presenter: Fr. Ken Paulli, OFM
Registration deadline is March 10!
Lenten Nourishment

Tuesdays, March 21, 28 & April 4; 12:30-1:00 pm
Jesus said “I am the true vine.” How does the image of Jesus as the true vine help us realize how connected we are to God and each other during this time of Lent? What is this asking of us?
We are delighted to have Deb Pelletier, Religious Education Team Coordinator, with us for brief talks on three consecutive Tuesdays this Lent.
Join us for a light lunch in the Franciscan Center immediately after the 12:05 Mass. We will follow Covid-precautions for food preparation and serving as well as for safe-distanced seating.
Suggested Offering per session: $8.00 per session
Stations of the Cross for Older Adults

Friday, March 24, at 12:30 pm, immediately following 12:05 Mass
Come join Fr. Mike and others as we celebrate a unique Lenten Stations of the Cross, a Stations of the Cross for Older Adults. As we journey with Jesus on his walk to Calvary, we hear individual reflections that hopefully help us see more clearly that we are not on our own as we journey through the challenges and crosses of the “Third Age” and that our God understands because Jesus trod this same path.
Afterwards, we invite you to share community and a light lunch in the Franciscan Center.
Suggested Offering for lunch: $8.00
Suggested Offerings: can be made payable to “St. Patrick-St. Anthony Church” and mailed to 285 Church Street, Hartford, CT 06103, Attn. Pat Curtis
OR Click below to give through online giving
Please list the program name in the notes or memo field!