Dear Parishioners and Friends,
You might have noticed that this space in last week’s bulletin was replaced by a series of parish announcements. The reason is that I was in Kansas City all week long, and never had the opportunity to write my usual weekly letter. As I mentioned at Mass last Sunday, I am happy to report that everything is up to date in you-know-where, and I’m also happy to report that the Franciscan Provincial Synod was very successful.
Almost 200 Franciscans, as well as religious and lay guests from around the country gathered at the Westin Crown Center Hotel in Kansas City for the week-long meeting which included liturgies, presentations, and table conversations. These kinds of gatherings are always great opportunities to be able to catch up with friars and the latest news (gossip?). For me, it was a delight to see a Poor Clare sister, Diane Short, who I first met when I was a novice almost 50 years ago. We had a wonderful conversation and brought each other up to date with our respective past five decades.

One of the highlights of the week was an address given by a fellow Franciscan friar, Bishop John Stowe, O.F.M., Conv. from Lexington, Kentucky. Bishop Stowe was present for most of the synod sessions and joined in the table conversations along with everyone else. He gave a moving and inspirational talk that challenged us to plan for the future with hope and confidence, reading the signs of the times with clarity and discernment.
Our parishioner, Marc Sherer, accompanied me to the synod, and he and I had some great conversations in airports, airplanes, and throughout the week in between sessions and at meals. I asked him to write a brief summary of his impressions: this is what he said: “I was honored this past week to represent St. Patrick-St. Anthony at the Franciscan Synod, meeting friars and ministry partners from across the country (and beyond). I was impressed with the diversity of our brotherhood in geography, language and culture, yet all with a similar love of God, Saints Francis and Clair and all with the similar purpose of doing God’s work for those in need in our world. I was most proud in recognizing the degree to which our parish represents these values, and through our many ministries in the work we are called to do.”
A series of priorities and action items that the friars and partners in ministry felt were important to concentrate on over the next several years were discussed and voted upon, including ministry to, and with, young adults. An insightful panel discussion, pictured below, was held as part of the process:

And just to prove that I was actually there, here is a photo which appeared on our province’s website. Even though I look very deep in thought, I was probably wondering what we would be having for lunch that day!

May we continue to be a people of deep hope as we observe a Jubilee Year of Hope. Blessings on your week ahead!
Fr. Tim Shreenan, O.F.M.