Meaning in Creole: Hope itself gives us hope to continue.
Mèsi anpil! Thank you very much!
On behalf of both Sister Parishes, St. Genevieve and St. Patrick St. Anthony, a sincere THANK YOU! The generosity of spirit and means remains very evident from the parishioners at SPSA. Our 2024 Christmas in July “live” campaign has drawn to a close with an outpouring of caring and donations.
We accept donations all year long, but especially in July, we focus on the how and why our support to St. Genevieve makes such a difference in the lives of our fellow brothers and sisters. Education, salaries, a hot meal each school day, support for indigent elderly, and a new effort under discussion, basic healthcare, are the ways that our efforts here in Hartford, bring change to our neighbors in Zorange.
And perhaps even more significant, our ongoing love and tangible actions, bring Hope. Hope for peace, stability, education and a “passport” out of poverty.

Fr. Gaby Noel, has expressed thanks so eloquently when he sent us a recent message:
“I cannot find the words to thank you for all your concerns towards me. My love goes to all the people in our sister parish. Only God knows how important you are to us and how much we love you. May God accompany you, guide you and always keep you under his constant protection.”
Richard Kisiel & Patti Wawzyniecki
Christmas in July Co-Chairs
How to Donate to Christmas in July
By check to St. Patrick – St. Anthony Church: at Mass or by mail, please note “Christmas in July” on the memo line
Online by clicking the button below